Monday, August 29, 2011

New High-Speed Quad at Mt. Hood Meadows

Kind of. The Stadium (AKA Yellow or Old Yeller) double chair is getting quad-ified this summer. It's going to pick up closer to the north lodge and drop off farther uphill all with fewer towers. What does this mean? More riders on hill at any given time. Another way to get to the north side. Possibly shorter lines at Mt. Hood Express. Ski racers get a high-speed quad while the pipe, Rose City Park and the Zoo have the slowest lift on the hill. Bottom line: more people in the same amount of space. Hopefully I can take advantage of this new route somehow, but nothing is jumping out at me. Let Meadows tell you all about it here.


  1. How do you feel about the increased season ticket prices?

  2. What do you want me to say? "Yeah, I think a $50 increase is just right for one new lift and little else." Nah, it's bullshit. Plain and simple. Might just go to a Fusion Pass this year.


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